CICIG - The International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala
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        Press Releases
Guatemala, 13 June 2014.
Guatemala, 6 June 2014.
Guatemala, 6 June 2014.
Guatemala, 5 June 2014.
        Photo note
At the forum "Young and Committed", Commissioner Iván Velásquez called upon the youth to join forces in fighting impunity.

United Nations in Guatemala calls for justice system reform
The United Nations in Guatemala reiterates its concern over the violence and impunity in the country.

Guatemala, July 24, 2011. The United Nations highly values the progress achieved in the fight against crime by the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) together with the Ministry of the Interior and the National Civil Police (PNC). This progress has been demonstrated in a number of technical investigations and accusations in emblematic cases concerning crimes of the past and present, which have given out a clear message that nobody is above the law. The International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), in accordance with its mandate, has contributed to these efforts.

This progress must also be reflected in justice operators in order to take qualitative strides towards overcoming impunity.

In accordance with principles of judicial independence, judges should be protected from undue interference as well as being people of integrity and avoiding ruling on cases in an arbitrary manner. The aim of enforcing the principle of independent judges is to ensure the proper administration of justice, in conditions of complete impartialness and transparency, which implies being accountable—a requirement for all public officials.

The rule of law, legitimacy and trust are all affected if the above criteria are not adhered to. Furthermore, it tarnishes the image of the majority of judges, who conduct their duties with integrity.

In Guatemala, there is a clear need to purge the justice system institutions through disciplinary and criminal proceedings that enable accusations to be dealt with quickly and impartially, in accordance with good practices that respect due process.

The United Nations believes the discussions of the Supreme Court of Justice on reforming the law on the career system in the Judiciary must be urgently restarted. The outcome of these discussions must reflect international standards.

The United Nations calls upon institutions and public officials to redouble their efforts in the fight against impunity. In addition, it urges Guatemalan society to strengthen social audit and accountability mechanisms, lodging complaints before competent authorities against officials who fail to act objectively.

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Apartado Postal 934 "A"
Guatemala, Guatemala, C.A

        About Guatemala
  The Republic of Guatemala, a mountainous country that lies in the Central American isthmus, has an estimated population of 13 million people.
  Guatemala won its independence in 1821, following almost three centuries of Spanish colonial rule.
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