Netherlands donates an additional USD 1,250,000.00, bringing its total contribution to USD 8,292,480.57
Norway, on this occasion, donates USD 388,623.92, bring its total contribution to USD 2,619,052.73
The donations amount to approximately 13 million quetzales and upon receipt will be deposited in a trust fund created specifically to administer contributions made to the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala, CICIG, said René Mauricio Valdés, United Nations Resident Coordinator for Guatemala.
Guatemala, November 28, 2011. The contributions are endorsed through each country signing an addendum. The funds are allocated to the fight against impunity waged by CICIG through national bodies, in particular the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP).
Jan-Jaap van de Velde, Ambassador of the Netherlands, expressed his country's interest in seeing the Guatemalan justice institutions be successful in their fight to eradicate impunity and, "in that sense, CICIG is a commission that has proven to be effective and a great support for national efforts".
Ambassador of Norway, Lars Vaagen, said: "We have always felt greatly identified with the Guatemalan people and the problems they face. Therefore, in addition to the Norwegian contributions in other areas, it has always been highly important for us to support CICIG as a United Nations mechanism that could be replicated elsewhere."
The Attorney General of the Republic, Claudia Paz y Paz, spoke of the great criminal prosecution progress, which was made possible through exchanges with CICIG and their support in highly complicated cases. The President of the Chamber of Amparo and Immunities, Luis Alberto Pineda Roca, also took the floor.
Francisco Dall'Anese Ruiz, CICIG Commissioner, thanked Netherlands and Norway for the support they have provided to this process with which he was entrusted by the United Nations. He emphasized the importance of authorities continuing their tireless efforts to stop impunity and impart justice in Guatemala.