Presentan el informe final de labores de la CICIG
Mensaje de cierre de labores del Comisionado Iván Velásquez Gómez
Más de 200 organizaciones de la sociedad civil a nivel internacional firman comunicado de apoyo a CICIG
Condenan a seis años de prisión al exmagistrado de CSJ, Gustavo Mendizábal
Servicio civil en Guatemala: la necesidad de una burocracia estable en el Estado
Impunidad y redes ilícitas: Un análisis de su evolución en Guatemala

Eight real estate properties linked to Alejandro Sinibaldi were turned in to SENABED
COMUNICADO 035 | Fotos: CICIG. The Special Prosecutor’s Office against impunity of the Attorney General’s Office (MinisterioPúblico, MP), with the support of the International Commission
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Presentation of the case know as theft in the Ministry of Public Health
STATEMENT 034 | Poto: Siglo 21. The Special Prosecutor’s Office against Impunity (Fiscalía Especial contra la Impunidad, FECI) of the Attorney General’s Office (MinisterioPúblico, MP),
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Case: Illicit Electoral Contributions of the Unionista Party
STATEMENT 030 | Photo: ElPeriódico. Plans and strategies of the Unionista party to keep control of the capital city Municipality On October 5, 2017, the
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Report on the Dialogue for the Strengthening of Justice and the Fight Against Impunity in Guatemala
STATEMENT 029 | Photo: CICIG. The International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala, with the support of the German Cooperation GIZ – through the CICIG Strengthening
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CICIG Commissioner expresses concern to the Secretary-General of the OAS
NEWS 021 | Photo: CICIG. CICIG Commissioner, Iván Velásquez Gómez sent a letter to the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, expressing his concern
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Opinion poll shows that 72% of Guatemalan people support CICIG´s work
NEWS 020 | Photomontage: CICIG. CICIG has successfully helped fight corruption and impunity in Guatemala. In recent years, it worked with the Attorney General’s Office
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Commissioner: CICIG continues to work in the fight against impunity
NOTICIA 018 | Photos: European Parliament Commissioner Ivan Velásquez Gómez participated today in the European Parliament Sub-Committee on Human Rights, Brussels, where he presented the
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A report on illicit networks and political crisis is presented
NEWS 017 | Photo: CICIG. The report on “Illicit Networks and Political Crisis: TheReality of the Guatemalan Congress” was presented to different sectors. This presentation was

Judicial Observatory
The objective of this initiative is to formulate recommendations that guarantee an effective criminal prosecution. The Judicial Observatory will analyze the challenges for the correct
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Law-Abiding Culture
The International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (ComisiónInternacional contra la Impunidaden Guatemala, CICIG), together with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of the Interior, and
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Integrated Justice System
ARTICLE 001 | Photo: CICIG. The Integrated Justice System (Sistema Integrado de Justicia, SIJ) is aimed at identifying suitable institutional mechanisms and adjustments that will
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Judicial Observatory
The objective of this initiative is to formulate recommendations that guarantee an effective criminal prosecution. The Judicial Observatory will analyze the challenges for the correct
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Law-Abiding Culture
The International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (ComisiónInternacional contra la Impunidaden Guatemala, CICIG), together with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of the Interior, and
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