On 26 June, Mr. Iván Velásquez, Commissioner of the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala, received Official Communication No. 1218-2018 from the National Civil Police (PNC), which declined CICIG’s request for the deployment of an additional 26 police officers to strengthen CICIG’s security arrangements. The request had been submitted in December 2017 and reiterated in February and March 2018.
On 4 July 2018, CICIG received an additional Official Communication from the National Civil Police (No.442-2016), signed by the Deputy Inspector General, Hugo Leonel Barrera Girón, indicating that Police Chief Wilson Petronilo López Maldonado, “had ordered to relocate 20 police officers to the Division of Protection and Security (DPPS) of the National Civil Police, out of the 45 police officers assigned to the International Commission Against impunity in Guatemala, CICIG.”
In a letter of response on 5 July 2018, Commissioner Velásquez expressed his deep regret that the cooperation that the Government of Guatemala had committed to provide to CICIG under article 8 of the Agreement in terms of security and protection of its personnel, was now curtailed. The Commissioner trusted that these adverse decisions would be reconsidered. Article 8 of the Agreement establishing CICIG states that “the Government of Guatemala shall take such effective and adequate measures as may be required to ensure the security and protection of the persons referred to in this Agreement.”
As requested by the National Civilian Police, on 5 July the Commissioner authorized that the 20 Police Officers report back to the PNC.
As per the Agreement between the State of Guatemala and the United Nations Organization, CICIG shall continue to work in support of the Attorney General’s Office, The National Civil Police and other State institutions responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes committed by illegal security forces and clandestine security structures (CIACS), as well as dismantling these networks. In addition, CICIG shall continue to recommend to the State the adoption of public policies aiming to eradicate CIACS and prevent their re-emergence, including the legal and institutional reforms necessary to achieve this goal.